Scatter education curriculum

Driver Class (Junior)
Driver Class (Junior)
Driver education

Scatter Driver Education is a 10-hour course that

spans over two days for 5 hours each day.

The curriculum includes theory, practical training, and a demo (once) to obtain a driver's license 

Master Class(Senior)
Master Class(Senior)
Master education

The Scatter Master class will be held for 3 consecutive days, with a total of 15 hours of lessons, 5 hours per day.

Scatter seminar

The seminar is held for one day, and it is a detailed explanation of the operating principles and application areas of Scatter for those who want to experience it

The leading academy in fostering the best semi-permanent artists

Minor system
Minor system
Scatter education, with a small number of participants, allows for personalized management and leads to higher satisfaction with education due to more individual attention and tailored guidance

Actual demo presentation
Actual demo presentation

Through the actual demo presentation by the director, we will provide helpful tips and insights and help you understand the process of the actual procedure

mobile background
With the training of 3,000 professionals, numerous experiences,
and professional education 

We have put effort into training numerous professionals with the know-how obtained from practical experience.

Auto Device Scatter, born through practical experience and education, is a reliable device that

embodies the accumulated expertise and experience over a long period of time.

Scatter Education Courses

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Driver Education

The Scatter Driver Education is a 10-hour course over two days, consisting of 5 hours per day, covering theory, practical, and one demo session, to qualify for device operation through the Scatter driver class.

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Master Education

Scatter Masterclass will be held for 3 consecutive days, with a total of 15 hours of lessons, 5 hours per day.

Scatter Seminar

The seminar is a one-day event that provides a detailed explanation of the operating principles and application areas of the Scarter for those who want to experience Scatter.

"We will lead the way in cultivating the best semi-permanent artists through the Scatter Academy".

- For value of beauty

Elite system

Scatter operates as an elite service, allowing for more meticulous care and higher satisfaction through education

Real Demo

Watching the actual demonstration by the director can help with understanding the actual process of the treatment


Eddy Academy / Scatter Adress

Seocho-gu, Gangnam-daero 240, SK Hub Prime 4F 

Tel: 02-575-4762 | Email: